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The Maker's Deck

Documenting the maker scene and its projects, one card at a time.

Update Oct 20: Maker’s Deck beta soft launch at Hamburg Maker Meeting

What is this?

The Maker’s Deck is an ongoing collection of trading cards. It is first and foremost an art-and-documentation project.

I love trading cards, but am neither interested in sports or fantasy games. So I am making the cards I would want to buy.

Where can I get them?

They will soon be available on Etsy. But: these made-by-hand packs are very elaborate and time-consuming to make, that’s why I will make less of them and they will be expensive and numbered.

I am also preparing a more reproducable version of the set and a Kickstarter-campaign to make them available much cheaper.

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Will this be open source?

Yes. Besides releasing all files and artwork on Github, I will also share the process of how to make cards yourself.

The cards are currently released via Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA.

filtercake (fabian at


Is this a game?

No. These are more in the tradition of sports trading cards. The backs of the cards feature information like website, creators, license etc.

Where will the deck be sold?

Via my etsy account and wherever I personally attend.

How many cards are you making and what types of cards?

I will do an initial artsy series of 6 handmade and sealed booster packs á 7 cards. Each pack also features a blank card to document your own project.

Secondly, there are cards for conferences or barcamps and the like, where the Maker’s Deck is somehow “attending”. One meter of desk or on the wall does it, it’s not primarily a point of sale but a micro exhibition.

Who else has agreed to be in it?

This is the first half of the inital 42 I locked on Oct 5th:

Booster Pack A

MeeBlip, Rubber Band Gun Business Card, Kritzler, Cubelets, Lasersaur, Free Universal Construction Kit, Makey Makey

Booster Pack B

Makibox A6, Ninja Blocks, DIY, Advice Machine, XMEGA Xprotolab, Digispark, Attraktor Hamburg

Booster Pack C

Raspberry Pi, Molecule Synth, Punnet, Today I Made, MIDI-Moov, Fritzing, B9Creator

So far I wrote to about 50 projects, reveived 22 confirmations and 3 rejections. If there is a project you think should be included, please tell me.

When is this happening?

Right now. The Kickstarter campaign will not go before 2013.

How much are you selling the cards for?

The packs are €25 each. No, I don’t expect anybody to buy them at this price, which is the point. If you are interested in owning original pieces of art, grab it while it’s hot.

Otherwise, wait for the first complete deck.

How can I contact you?

fabian at makersdeck dot com, @makersdeck, @filtercake.